Financial Education Research Grant Program - FAQs

Financial Education
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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about this grant application process, please direct them to with the word "Question" in the subject line.

Application System Questions

How do I get to the online application system?

You may access the online application system using this link. You will also find a link to the online application system in the application policy and on the AccessLex Center for Legal Education Excellence® website.

Am I required to create an account in the online application system to submit a proposal?

Yes. All applicants must create an account in the online application system in order to submit a proposal. This is a one-time registration process. If you have created an account in the past under the same email address through which you wish to apply again, you will not need to create a new account.

I submitted application materials for a different grant program previously and am interested in submitting an application for this program. Do I need to create a new account?

No. You will not need to create a new login and password. However, once logged in, please be sure to make any necessary updates to your contact information.


Eligibility and Process Questions

How do I know if my organization is eligible?

AccessLex will review grant proposals only from tax-exempt non-profit educational institutions and other nonprofit and public organizations. Faculty members, practitioners and researchers may apply for grants through an eligible organization with which they are affiliated. Please review the application policy eligibility section for the exact Internal Revenue Code tax-exempt designations.

If I am a member of a for-profit organization are we eligible to apply for a grant?

AccessLex will not review proposals from for-profit organizations.

How can I find my organization’s Tax ID Number (TIN)/Employer ID Number (EIN)?

Please contact your organization’s finance office to receive your Tax ID. Your organization’s Tax ID number is required to submit an application.

Will AccessLex Institute accept more than one proposal from an organization or research team?

Yes. However, no duplicate proposals should be submitted for a specific research project.

If my organization submitted a proposal to another AccessLex Institute grant program, are we eligible to submit a proposal to this grant program?

Yes. AccessLex will consider all proposals that fit within the scope of the grant program and meet the corresponding eligibility requirements.

How many awards does AccessLex Institute expect to make for the Financial Education Research Grant Program?

The number of funded proposals varies from year-to-year based on funding requests and the quality of proposals. AccessLex will consider funding any proposal that fits within the scope of this research grant and meets the eligibility requirements.


Program Guidelines and Priority Questions

If my program is already in existence should I provide information about it in the application?

Yes. Existing programs are required to provide information pertaining to program outcomes in the application. The review committee is particularly interested in information related to student and institutional success outcomes. It is acceptable to use this data to highlight areas of needed improvement in which grant funds could help.

What types of partnerships and collaborations are you looking for in a proposal?

We encourage applications from programs that display a collaborative approach and strong partnerships with other departments or organizations to achieve the goal of improving financial capability for individuals, organizations and society. Meaningful collaborations with and between departments or organizations, including academic integration, student services initiatives, collaboration with professional organizations, etc. are all acceptable.

Does the project have to run for at least six months?

We seek to fund programs that take an intensive approach to improving personal financial habits of students and professionals. We believe a program commitment of no less than six months will reflect the intensity of programs we seek to fund. The grant performance period includes the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages of the program.

What stages of a personal finance program does this grant program fund?

The Financial Education Research Grant Program seeks to fund the execution and evaluation of existing or proposed personal finance programs that provide college students and/or college graduates with information and resources to successfully impact their financial behaviors during school and upon entering their profession. Programs should produce scalable best practices with an opportunity for sustainability.

My organization is interested in performing evaluations of existing personal financial programs. Is this grant program for us?

Yes. Evaluation is a methodical approach to collecting information about the characteristics, activities, and results of a program. Simply stated, evaluation helps you to answer the question “What impact is the program having?” Accordingly, the Financial Education Research Grant Program is also open to applicants who are only seeking funds for the evaluation of their existing program.

What type of information are you looking for as it pertains to program sustainability?

AccessLex Institute encourages applicants to share as much information as possible with respect to sustainability including names of current and/or prospective funders, and a fundraising or development plan.

How does AccessLex Institute define project goals, objectives and outcomes?

Project goals are broad. For instance, a goal might be to decrease overall student loan debt. Project objectives are narrow and student-centered. Project objectives answer the question, “What will students be able to do after the conclusion of this project?” For example, a project objective might be that students will be able to describe the key elements in a credit score, and how to apply strategy to improve their scores. Project outcomes are specific and measurable. As an example, a project outcome might be that 80% of program participants will increase their credit score by an average of five points over the course of the program. Outcomes should be tied directly to project objectives showing how applicants will assess the growth and progress of their students. (It is common for applicants to have multiple goals, objectives and outcomes.)

Are there any general tips for writing strong proposals?

AccessLex compiled the following recommendations that we believe will help improve future proposal submissions for all applicants:

  • Provide clear goals, objectives and outcomes that, while related to one another, are distinct.
  • Ensure that the proposed project aligns with AccessLex Institute’s funding priority of programs that provide college students and/or college graduates with information and resources of an innovative, high-impact financial education program, premised on successful indicators for students, and institutional success.
  • Write clearly and concisely, anticipate the readers’ concerns and address them.
  • Review the application policy closely to ensure the proposed project adheres to all guidelines provided in the application policy and familiarize yourself with the deadlines.
  • Conduct a final review of the application to ensure all information typed or pasted in to the online application system appears accurately in the desired format and ensure that you have answered all required questions.
  • As stated in the application policy, measurement and evaluation are essential components for demonstrating the effectiveness and scalability of interventions. We recommend applicants identify a member of within their team with experience conducting project evaluations or if appropriate an evaluation consultant to manage the project evaluation. Applicants may also consider allocating specific resources, 5 -10% of your program budget, to support the project evaluation.
  • We like to ensure that these projects are student-centered; therefore, proposed budgets that are mainly dedicated to student-, rather than personnel-, related expenses are encouraged.

Visit our website for more information videos about the Financial Education Grant Program