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Teal Background

2024 Bar Success Intervention Grant Program - LOI Form Preview

Scope of Letter of Inquiry (LOI) Form

The LOI form is designed to elicit brief information about your program and your proposal to the Bar Success Intervention Grant Program. You may find the character limits restrictive. These limits may require you to make strategic decisions about what information to include and what to exclude. The information provided should focus on elements of the program for which grant funds are being sought, though contextual information about other components should be provided to the extent necessary and possible

All fields on the LOI form require a response. Given the competitive nature of the process, not every LOI applicant will be invited to submit a full grant proposal. Proposals featuring all the required elements and at least some of the optional elements listed on the Bar Success Intervention Grant webpage are most likely to be invited.

If you have questions about this grant application process, please direct them to [email protected] with the phrase, “Question – LOI,” in the subject line.

To ensure that you receive emails sent from Foundant, our grant interface program, please add [email protected] to your email safe senders list, address book or contacts. Please note, all questions should be directed to [email protected].

Grant Number LOI
Assign the LOI number using the following format: Grant program's initials; calendar year during which the application was received; "APP;" and number by order in which the application was marked complete.
Character Limit: 20

Mandatory Elements Questions

In order for your proposal to be fundable, you must respond “Yes” to each of the questions in this section. If you respond “No” to any of the following questions, your proposal is not eligible for funding and will not be considered.

Does your proposal seek funding for a duration of 12-24 months?

Proposed Funding Duration
Please enter the duration in months:
Character Limit: 2

Does your proposal seek funding in the amount of $150,000-$300,000?

Program Funding
Please enter the amount being sought:
Please enter the total cost of the program during grant timeframe:
Character Limit: 10

Are you seeking funding for a program that focuses on law students and graduates most at risk of not passing the bar exam or institutions with first-time bar examination passage rates that fall below 70%?

Program Information

Program Name
Please enter the name of the program for which you are seeking funding.
Character Limit: 100

Program Summary
Please enter a brief statement of the program purpose.
Character Limit: 500

Previous Funding
Is this a request to continue a project previously funded by the AccessLex Institute?
If "yes", please enter the grant number and/or project title under which it was previously funded.
Character Limit: 150

Existing Programs
Is this proposal seeking funds for an existing program or intervention?
If yes, please share background information about the program, including how long it has been in existence, the population(s) it serves, and any relevant recent outcomes data.
Character Limit: 2000

Proposed Funding Start Date
Character Limit: 10

Proposed Funding End Date
Character Limit: 10

Program Overview

Program Description
Describe the most important elements of your program. Focus your description on how the program would be structured if grant funding were awarded. Be sure to provide information about relevant characteristics of target participants; the number of participants that would be served; and the scope and timing of program components.
Character Limit: 2000

Problem/Issue Statement
Describe the problem or issue that the program seeks to address. What aspects of the problem or issue necessitate intervention? Please include any relevant data. You may be seeking to address more than one problem or issue.
Character Limit: 1000

Program Goals
List program goals. These are broad statements of program aims that are relevant to the problem(s) or issue(s) described earlier.
Character Limit: 1000

Program Objectives
List program objectives. These statements should describe what participants will learn and be able to do (or demonstrate) by the end of the grant period. They should be tangible, measurable, and tied to the program goals.
Character Limit: 2000

Expected Program Outcomes
List expected program outcomes. Most expected outcomes will be quantitative in nature. They should be specific, realistic, and tied to program goals and objectives.
Character Limit: 1000

Program Evaluation Questions
List questions that the program evaluation will seek to answer. The questions should relate to the extent to which program goals and objectives are being met.
Character Limit: 1000

Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
Describe the theory or concept that underlies your reasoning for offering the different components of your program. Focus on actual and perceived relationships between the program goals/objectives and program components/methods.
Character Limit: 1500

Participant or Institutional “At-Risk” Status
Describe how the “at risk” status of the program participants or the institution at which the intervention will be implemented is framed. Provide relevant data supporting that framing.
Character Limit: 1000

Evaluation Plan
Describe the data that will be used to evaluate program outcomes; how the data will be obtained; the methods used to analyze the data; and the timeline for conducting the evaluation.
Character Limit: 2000

Organization and Qualifications of Key Staff
Please describe the primary organization(s) in which the research activities will take place. Please also list key staff and describe their qualifications for this project.
Character Limit: 1500

Provide a brief description of how the requested funds will be spent, including major budget line items for which grant funding is being sought (e.g., personnel, curriculum, materials etc.)

  • Please note that in light of the launch of Helix Bar Review, Inc. (“Helix”) a non-profit affiliate of AccessLex Institute, applicants may not utilize AccessLex grant funds to pay for competitor commercial bar preparation programs or materials. To the extent applicants include non-Helix programs and materials as part of research design, applicants are advised to (1) utilize comparable Helix offerings – which will be provided on an in-kind (non-cash) basis, or (2) seek alternate funding for research components requiring use of non-Helix programs or materials.
  • More information about Helix is available here: https://www.helixbarreview.org/. Please direct any specific questions regarding this to [email protected].

Character Limit: 1500

How did you hear about the Bar Success Intervention Grant Program?
Please choose all that apply:
Direct Mail
Online Ad
Print Ad
Social Media
Word of Mouth

Other (please specify below) If you selected "other," please specify.
Character Limit: 200

Contact Information

Principal Investigator Name
Please enter the name of the principal investigator. If there are multiple PIs, designate one to identify here.
Character Limit: 250

Principal Investigator Email
Please enter the principal investigator’s email address.
Character Limit: 250

More information about the Bar Success Intervention Grant Program.