Teal Background
Teal Background

Diversity Pathway Intervention Grant Program - Proposal Application Preview

Scope of Grant Application

The grant application form is designed to elicit detailed information about your project and your proposal to the Diversity Pathway Intervention Grant Program. The information should build and expand on the entries placed on the Letter of Interest (LOI) form. Character limits have been increased to allow for such expansion. Responses, however, should be only as long as necessary. Do not feel compelled to exhaust the character limits.

The information provided should focus on components of the program for which grant funds are being sought, though contextual information about other components should be provided to the extent necessary and possible.

All fields on this form require a response. If a prompt is not applicable to your project, mark "N/A". Given the competitive nature of the process, not every grant applicant will be awarded funding. Proposals featuring all the required elements and at least some of the optional elements are most likely to be awarded funding.  For information about required and optional elements, see the Diversity Pathway Intervention Grant Program main page.

If you have questions about this grant application process, please email [email protected] with the phrase, "Question – Full Proposal," in the subject line.

To ensure that you receive emails sent from Foundant, our grant interface program, please add [email protected] to your email safe senders list, address book or contacts. Please note, all questions should be directed to [email protected].

Grant Number
Assign the application number using the following format: Grant program's initials; calendar year during which the application was received; "APP;" and number by order in which the application was marked complete.
Character Limit: 100

Mandatory Elements Questions

In your LOI you certified that this proposal and the underlying program include each of the mandatory elements listed above. Please affirm that this is still case. If your program does not comprise each of the mandatory elements, it cannot be funded.

Mandatory Elements*
Does your proposal and the underlying program still include each of the mandatory elements?

* Field required.

Optional Elements Questions

Applying to Law School*
Does your program focus on participants who will apply to law school within two (2) years of the start of the desired grant period?

Numerical Indicators*
Does your program focus on participants with low numerical indicators (e.g., standardized test scores, grades)?

Differential Treatment*
Does your program feature differential treatment of participants (treatment/control group methodology) for purposes of program evaluation?

Long-Term Support*
Does your program feature relevant long-term support for participants?

Is your program a collaboration of more than one institution, organization, or entity?

* Field required.

Program Information

Program Name*
Please enter the name of the program for which you are seeking funding.
Character Limit: 100

Program Summary*
Please enter a brief statement of the program purpose. 
Character Limit: 500

Amount Sought*
Please enter the amount being sought.
Character Limit: 20

Total Program Cost*
Please enter the total cost of the program during the grant timeframe.  
Character Limit: 20

Proposed Funding Duration*
Please enter the duration in months.  
Character Limit: 2

Proposed Funding Start Date*
Character Limit: 10

Proposed Funding End Date*
Character Limit: 10

* Field required.

Program Overview

Problem/Issue Statement*
Describe the problem(s) or issue(s) that the program seeks to address. What aspects of the problem or issue necessitate intervention? If this is a problem or issue of heightened relevance or importance, please explain why. Include relevant data. You may be seeking to address more than one problem or issue.
Character Limit: 3000

Program Goals*
List program goals. These are broad statements of program aims that are relevant to the problem(s) or issue(s) described earlier.
Character Limit: 2000

Program Objectives*
List program objectives. These statements should describe what participants will learn and be able to do (or demonstrate) by the end of the grant period. They should be tangible, measurable, and tied to the program goals.
Character Limit: 3000

Desired Program Outcomes*
List desired program outcomes. Most desired outcomes will be quantitative in nature. They should be specific, impactful, realistic, and tied to program goals and objectives.
Character Limit: 3000

Theoretical or Conceptual Framework*
Describe the theory or concept that underlies your reasoning for offering the different components of your program. Focus on actual and perceived relationships between the program goals/objectives and program components/methods.
Character Limit: 4000

Program Participants*
Provide a detailed description of your target participants; the length of their participation; and, the process for selecting participants during the grant period. The description must include:
- Number of participants in each cohort enrolled during the grant period
- Participant eligibility criteria
- Duration of participation for each cohort
- Overview of recruitment process
- Overview of selection process
Character Limit: 4000

Program Components*
Provide a detailed description of the components of your program, as it would be structured if grant funding were awarded. At minimum, you should provide the following information:
- Description of program components, with information about scope and timing
- Descriptions of program materials and instructional aids, identifying the components to which they relate
- Time allotted to each component
- Explanations of how each component and its associated materials relate to program goals, objectives, and expected outcomes
- Explanation of any treatment/control group methodology being used
Character Limit: 5000

Other Programs*
Is the applicant operating, or does the applicant plan to simultaneously operate any other programs on the same or related topic, or involving the same students as those who are expected or eligible to participate in the program for which the applicant seeks funding from AccessLex? If so, please describe the other program.

Other Program Potential Impact
If the answer to the preceding question is “yes”, please describe what actual or potential impact, if any, such other program may have on the efficacy of the AccessLex-funded program, or on the integrity of the data produced in connection with the AccessLex-funded program.

* Field required.

Program Evaluation

All applicants invited to submit a full proposal will be required to work with an independent evaluation consultant to develop evaluation questions and plans for data collection and analysis. The consultant has no role in the selection process.

Waivers may be granted upon a showing by the grant applicant that sufficient project evaluation expertise already exists on the research team. You may request a waiver by emailing [email protected]. Requests must be made at least 21 days before the proposal submission deadline.

Evaluation Questions*
List questions that your program evaluation activities will seek to answer. The questions should be related to progress towards program goals, objectives, and expected outcomes. For each question provide the following information:
- Descriptions of the data that will be used to answer the question
- Explanations of how specific data will be collected or obtained
- Descriptions of the methods used to analyze each type of data
Character Limit: 5000

Program Activities and Assessment Timeline*
Complete and upload the Program Activities and Assessment Timeline template. Click here to access the template.
File Size Limit: 2 MB

Prior Year Outcomes*
If you have conducted an evaluation of your program in the past, please feel free to share relevant findings here. We are particularly interested in findings that suggest the program has impacted participant outcomes. Otherwise, mark "N/A". >
Character Limit: 5000

Prior Year Outcomes*
If you have conducted an evaluation of your program in the past, please feel free to share relevant findings here. We are particularly interested in findings that suggest the program has impacted participant outcomes. Otherwise, mark "N/A".
Character Limit: 2000

* Field required.


Project Budget*
Please upload a clear and detailed budget for the proposed project using the AccessLex Center for Legal Education Excellence® budget template. Access the budget template.
File Size Limit: 2 MB

Budget Narrative*
Please provide a budget justification/narrative to support your application. The budget narrative should explain how each line-item expense is justified in the context of attaining the program goals, objectives, and expected outcomes.
Character Limit: 3000

* Field required.

Project Management

Organization and Qualifications of Key Staff*
Please describe the primary organization(s) in which the research activities will take place. Please also list key staff and describe their roles and qualifications for this project. Attach all key staff resumes and/or curricula vitae as one document through the link below. Please limit each resume/CV to a two-page maximum focusing only on information that is relevant to qualifications for this project.
Character Limit: 3000 | File Size Limit: 2 MB

Collaborations and Partnerships*
Describe any formal collaborations or partnerships with other organizations. Describe how these collaborations or partnerships will contribute to the quality of the proposed project. Please include only collaborations and partnerships for which formal commitments have already been secured. If no formal collaborations or partnerships, mark “N/A”.
Character Limit: 2000

Letters of Collaboration*
Please upload letter(s) of collaboration for which formal commitments have already been secured. Each letter should contain the statement of collaboration as described in the full proposal. If no such information will be added, mark “N/A”.
Character Limit: 2000 | File Size Limit: 2 MB

Dissemination Plan*
Please refer to the "Publicity" Section 6 of the Grant Agreement, as it contains important provisions about the manner in which findings and other information arising from the grant-funded research may be publicized. Most notably, the Grant Agreement provides AccessLex with a 30-day exclusive publicity provision for publishing findings and other information associated with the grant-funded research. In addition, Grantees have a duty to provide prominent attribution to AccessLex as the sources of the grant funding. AccessLex staff may contact you to discuss collaborative publicity efforts aimed at maximizing the impact of publicity efforts. Should you have any questions about this Section, please email [email protected].

Subject to the above, please describe any plans to announce receipt of the grant and/or any plans to disseminate information about research activities and findings experienced during the period of grant funding. If no such plans, mark "N/A".
Character Limit: 2000

Please describe any plans or strategies for funding and continuing the program beyond the expiration of any grant funds from AccessLex. If no such plans, mark “N/A”.
Character Limit: 2000

Potential Program Obstacles and Challenges*
Describe any potential obstacles or challenges that could impact the program’s overall success and how you plan to respond to these obstacles or challenges. If no such plans, mark “N/A”.
Character Limit: 2000

* Field required.

Supplemental Information

Supplemental Information*
Please provide any other relevant information not addressed by the previous questions that may help the AccessLex Center for Legal Education Excellence® evaluate your application. You may also upload items that are directly related to your program, such as letter(s) of support, and publication(s). If no such information will be added, mark “N/A”.
Character Limit: 2000 | File Size Limit: 2 MB

IRB Process
Applicants should check with their university’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) office and/or sponsored research office to consult about IRB requirements before submitting their proposal to AccessLex Institute. IRB approval is required for any research project involving human subjects, which includes collecting data through interviews, surveys, or experiments. Please check the appropriate box(es) below if you have 1. consulted with your university about IRB requirements (if applicable) and/or 2. have received approval prior to submitting this application.
I have consulted with my institution's IRB office (if applicable to my program).
I received IRB approval prior to submitting this application.


Award Conditions and Information for AccessLex Grants

Funding is subject to the awardee's execution of a written grant agreement. A copy of the standard grant agreement is available here. Applicants will have 90 days from the date of the funding invitation to execute the grant agreement before the award offer expires.

Successful execution of the grant agreement is required before the decision to award a grant is considered final. Please review the standard grant agreement and share with your legal team to confirm that your organization does not foresee any issues with this standard agreement.

Have you reviewed the standard grant agreement?*

* Field required.

Contact Information

Principal Investigator Name*
Please enter the name of the principal investigator. If there are multiple PIs, designate one to identify here.
Character Limit: 250

Principal Investigator Email*
Please enter the principal investigator’s email address.
Character Limit: 254

Secondary Contact
Please enter the name of the secondary contact. If there are multiple PIs, designate the second PI here.

Secondary Contact Email
Please enter the secondary contact’s email address.

* Field required.